Week: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21

Shows handicap used to play that week's round
Click player name to see scores used to calculate handicap
* indicates a player playing the gold tees. Displayed handicap has been adjusted down 2 shots

Team Flight Player HDCP
Molson Coors
TEAM 1AGreg Smaistrla 6
BBill Berlett6
CLarry Miller10
DMike Skullstead11
Roger Van Wazer, CFP Wealth Mgmt Advisor
TEAM 2AFred Rauschert6
BKeith Petersen8
CJay Redmond13
DMichael Hammerschmidt15
Novak & Parker
TEAM 3ADan Novak5
BTom Casey6
CMichael Ciok11
DJoe D'Angelo11
Mrs. P & Me
TEAM 4AMick Milliken7
BWilliam Kane9
CDon Matthias9*
DMichael Kilroy 14
Me and My Crafty Mom
TEAM 5AJoel Wipf4
BEugene Cacciatore8
CBob Lee10
DBen McIntyre12
Perns Back and Neck Clinic
TEAM 6ACraig Schaller5
BSteve Marak8*
CJulio Escobar10
DJoe Gallo13
Dan Hastings - Realtor
TEAM 7ADan Hastings5
BMichael Dorus6
CBrian Bradley8
DVirgil Wendt15*
Team 8
TEAM 8AChristian Garcia6
BDerek Hagler5
CJohn Zaleski12
DMarcus Reznicek12
JC Power & Control
TEAM 9AMichael Marino2
BMatt Dorus8
CJim Olsztynski8*
DAl Erlandson10*
Larsen Manufacturing
TEAM 10AMike Forrest4
BDavid Hammerschmidt10
CCarl Schroeder10*
DJay Garncarz11
TEAM 11AAnthony Divito4
BNathan Baxendale7
CJoe Schatz8
DRuss Mueller27*
Team 12
TEAM 12ATerry Coyne3
BJeff Grabill9
CRoss George10
DOwen Stamm10
Harris Exteriors & More
TEAM 13AMike Larsen5
BRich Triphahn9
CDave Dobbs8
DDennis Mace11*
Somebody's Bar and Grill
TEAM 14ABrian Kemp4
BMike Murtha9
CMark Hicks10
DMichael Cutinello14


John Bannister12
Nathan Bell4
Lou Bertellotti9
Mike Blackshere9
Ven Boddeda6
Cameron Bristow3
Bryan Brouder12
Garrett BurnsN/A
Brian Cohrs4
Tom Cunniff9
Kevin Deans11
Jon Deiter10*
Nick Demos9
Dave DiVitoN/A
Anthony Divito SrN/A
Ed Dresler6
Mark Duwe8
Dave Erickson20
Joe Freda7
Brent Funk13
Matt Gavin7
Daniel GeitzN/A
Jesse GuthN/A
Bill Haag11
Joseph Harkin9
Sean Hayes4
Dave Henneman4
Brian Hilko3
Hunter JohnsonN/A
Dan Kaepplinger N/A
Edward KaszubowskiN/A
Max KatzbeckN/A
Tim Kenney17*
Kurt Kudelka8
John Lee10
Nick Londo 3
Matt Lowen5
Garrett Murphy7
Mike Murphy6
Daniel Newsome2
Steven Olson7
Steve Perski10
Chris Sanders12
John Sawicki7
Mike Serino5
Chris Sitkiewicz10
Rocco Smeriglio 10
Jeff Smith7
Scott Spielmann2
Chip SteinholtN/A
Tom Swanson10
Alex Switzer5
Greg Tabaka3
Benjamin Whalen9
Michael WittichN/A
Yong Yun10*
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